SMILE English Play Group 2018
Smile English Play Group, is a group with the purpose of helping families in the Sendai area who are trying to raise their children to be bilingual. Being able to speak English as well as Japanese while residing in Japan can be very challenging. As the children grow up, go to school, and make friends, their chances to speak and be in an English environment become less and less.
Here we will have the opportunity to meet other bilingual children, and their families. This will allow them to interact with other children and other adults in English, expanding their language horizon.
With the group, we will be able to share our experiences, our failures, and our successes. Being able to not only teach other, but also to learn and interact with each other.
It is our hope that with this group, the children and their parents will gain motivation, and different insights in how to study and teach English.
When: Saturday or Sunday
Where: TBD but in the greater Sendai area
Who: Anyone with children who speak English at home
Fee: Free
Contact: 050-3552-1717 (re:Play Group)
学校に通い始めると、友達と遊ぶ時間も増え、日本語を話す機会が多くなります。家庭では英語を使っていても、過ごす時間の多い友達が日本語を使えば、英語を話す機会は減ります。そこで、このPlay Groupでは、英語を話す方々が集まり、一緒に学び、遊びながら英語の表現を増やし身に付け、英語を話す能力を維持します。
In association with SMILE English School
What's New!
2018.5.7 ウェブページを更新いたしました。
2018.5.6 仙台メディアテークの1階、2階にSMILE English Play Groupのちらしを置かせていただきました。
2018.5.3 仙台国際センターの交流コーナーにSMILE English Play Groupの案内を掲示していただきました。
2018.5.1 ウェブページを開設いたしました。
Contact us
tellephone number : 050-3552-1717
email address : group)
fill in your information in the form below